Gym etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts at the gym

Like visiting a restaurant or church, gyms have their own rules and expectations. (mostly unwritten) Here are 10 things to look for:

  1. Read the rules.

Each gym has its own set of rules, and they are usually readily available. Don’t assume that because something was allowed at one gym, it will be allowed at your new gym.

2. Wear modest clothes.

It’s your absolute right to wear what you want.  Just be mindful to not show too much since there are children and people from other cultures that might find you offensive. Also don’t take your shirt off or change outside the locker rooms.

3. Don’t hoard the weights or machines.

This is my biggest pet peeve. If you are working on a piece of equipment, do your sets and move on. Also, try your best to only work on one machine at a time to allow for other people to get their sets in. Lastly, do not claim a machine and then leave for long periods of time since this takes away from other’s people time.

4. Don’t drop the weights.

Try to control the weight as best as possible. The lowering phase of an exercise is part of it and must be deliberately controlled. Also, don’t throw weights on the floor, you do not look cool.

5. Don’t record.

With the rise of social media, everyone wants to show off their progress online. The problem is that often, other people’s privacy is violated. Under no circumstances record in the bathroom. It is unacceptable.

6. Offer your help. Let people help you.

Most people at the gym are nice and want to help. If someone offers to help you as a spotter, don’t get angry or annoyed since this is for your safety. Return the favor if you see someone struggling with a lift or doing something unsafe.

7. Keep conversations to a minimum in the lifting floor.

Talking in the middle of the lifting floor creates distractions. Also, it makes you spend more time with equipment that would have gone to another person had you focused on finishing your sets.

8. Don’t be messy.

Bringing a bag is acceptable. Leaving said bag in the middle of the floor is not. Also, clean after yourself in the bathroom.

9. Be friendly to the staff.

The staff is there for you. There is no reason to be mean to them. The personal trainers are not the only ones who should be respected but everyone from supervisors and cleaning staff to the admin personnel.

10. Put stuff away.

    Leave things better than you find them. Just because you found a piece of weight in the floor doesn’t mean you need to return it there. Instead, be the bigger person and return it to the rack it belongs to. Additionally, clean the equipment with the provided alcohol wipes.

    When in doubt, just think of the gym as your second house. Would you enjoy it if your house was messy? Loud? Indecent?


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