Simple Workout Routine To Get You Back In Business

In my last post, I gave tips on how to do your best given harsh and uncertain circumstances. I want to follow that theme and provide an actionable workout you can do today to get things moving again.

My goal for this workout is not to go all out trying to compensate for time lost but to slowly get your muscles conditioned to the amount of work they are about to receive.

Note that I tend to split weekdays by muscle groups during a regular workout regime. So, on Mondays, I do chest and back. On Tuesdays, I do legs, and so on, until I have worked on every muscle twice that week. For this workout, though, it will target all major muscle groups, which I define as chest, back, shoulders, core, and legs. It will also hit those smaller muscles like your biceps and triceps. I included some alternatives in case you cannot access specific equipment.

Note: I will not use any scientific term to refer to muscle groups for simplicity and ease of understanding.


                5 minutes in a stair climber machine


                5 minutes of light cardio such as treadmill, “jumping jacks,” or elliptical.


                The fitness industry considers these warmups general or generic because they involve your entire body instead of targeting a specific muscle group. It would be best to keep this exercise’s intensity relatively low and at least aim to break a sweat.


                3 sets of light bench presses at 6-12 repetitions (reps) (hypertrophy range)


                4 sets of push-ups close to but not reaching failure


Bench Press

                The bench press is a crucial exercise for your chest. It does not only target your chest but your triceps, shoulders, and core. Aim for the reps listed above. A simple way to figure out your weight for that exercise is to estimate. Just add some weight; if you can do more than 12, it is too light. Keep playing until you figure out a weight for your hypertrophy range. Do not be discouraged; it will become second nature as you do it more often.


                3 sets of light lat pull-downs at 6-12 reps


4 sets of pull-ups close to but not reaching failure


                Lat pull-downs are a solid back workout pick that also targets your biceps. I did not choose deadlifts or barbell rows because those, although my favorite back workouts, are very taxing. Remember that the goal is to get back to things and not be sore.


                3 sets of barbell squats at 6-12 reps


4 sets of air squats close to but not reaching failure. You may hold weights like a dumbbell or a kettlebell to add difficulty.


                My absolute favorite exercise, the squat, is a compound movement that targets your quads, hamstrings, calves, glutes, and lower back. Although intimidating, the squat is a workout that I recommend to everyone because of its versatility and ease of recovery.



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